Crime Scene Investigation:

At the crime scene there were 11 article of evidence found. There were also three suspects. The first was Courtney Smith, was a fashion model. The second suspect was Jet Trong, whom has been arrested for drug possession, breaking and entering, and domestic violence whose profession is being a mechanic. The last suspect, a Lucas Moore, whom was depressed and resided at a Psych ward and whose profession was banking. 


After viewing, marking, and photographing the crime scene we began to go over the crime scene.

1. The first piece of evidence found was a  note.
     -The note read "Please forgive me! I do love you all."
    The handwriting resembled to that of Lucas Moore's handwriting. The pin only lifted to write new words and had large loops.

2. The second piece of evidence was hair.
    -Me and my forensic group found tat it was Caucasian male hair.

3. The third piece of evidence was a fingerprint. The print was a plain arch.

4. The fourth piece of evidence was a possible drug or poison, but was found to be neither, maybe urine or a  low dosage of a drug.

5/6. The fifth and sixth pieces of evidence were images of the corpse and the insects surrounding it. The corpse had seemed to be sitting for 20-50 days The insects surrounding the corpse were maggots and the corpse was going through the fermentation stage.

7. The seventh piece of evidence were two footprints.

-The first footprint from an athletic shoe, possibly an adult, the footprint was walking away from the scene,  suspect
    The height: 11in
    The width: 4in

-The second footprint from an athletic shoe also, was small, possibly child, victim
    The height: 6 7/8in
    The width: 4in

8. Fingerprints found on glass, they were ulnar loops

9. Fingerprint, a double loop

10. A possible fiber, my group and I found it to be nylon

11. Was a syringe (above)

Case Closed!

In the end my group and I found that Lucas Moore committed the crime. Lucas Moore and his wife had got a divorce several months ago due to financial situations. At the end end of the divorce his wife took there son, with no visiting rights nor custody rights. After the divorce Moore fell into a depression and went crazy. He had been admitted into a mental ward due to his actions. a month after being in the ward, Moore broke out and left a suicide note for his ex-wife and family. When he broke out, he sat out for his son. Moore knew the rout his son took everyday to school and decided to take him along with him to runaway. When his grabbed his son, Peter Moore his seven year old son, began to fight for his life. Lucas Moore became filled with rage and hit his son in the face, he than threw him by his hair, accidentally killing him. Peter was later found in the woods a month later by biker. His father is still awaiting trial.



  1. Liked your info. you report of what happened was good. One question though, how do you know she had a son or that they got divorced.

  2. Well to answer your question we did background information on all of the suspects and found that he had a son and ex-wife. The child found at the scene was indeed Peter Moore, the criminals son.

  3. There are a few minor spelling and grammar errors, so you might want to go back and look those over.

  4. Adding in the people involved in the crime was a good choice! Enjoyed your story.
